Bohol Destinations Philippines

Sevilla Hanging Bridge

Sevilla Hanging Bridge

Crossing the Sevilla Hanging Bridge is a fun and exciting activity in Bohol! The bridge was originally made out of bamboo and although it may feel unstable, it is actually quite sturdy. If you are afraid of heights, you may want to sit this one out though…

Sevilla Hanging Bridge


The hanging bridge is open 24 hours but we don’t recommend going at night. It is already scary enough as it is – I can only imagine what it’s like if you can’t even see where you’re stepping!

Sevilla Hanging Bridge
The entrance


The entrance fee is 35 pesos per person.

Sevilla Hanging Bridge

Sevilla Hanging Bridge

The Sevilla Hanging Bridge is located about 15 minutes from the Tarsier conservation area, and it was the last location we visited for our Countryside tour.

Sevilla Hanging Bridge

There are really two bridges – one going in and one going out. But you can walk in either direction on the bridges. When you get to the bridges, you will notice that they are made out of more than just bamboo now (there are ropes and steel cables holding everything together). This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be careful though when crossing.

Sevilla Hanging Bridge

We walked slowly across as to not make the bridge sway too much and to minimize bouncing. As Brea was walking to the middle for a picture, one little girl kept jumping up and down and it made us very anxious haha.

Sevilla Hanging Bridge

At the end of the first bridge (going in), there are souvenir shops where you can purchase gifts and food/drinks.

Sevilla Hanging Bridge

We bought some coconut juice (buko) at the end of this excursion. We were really sweating due to the heat and the strenuous bridge crossing!

Sevilla Hanging Bridge

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