27 Days California Destinations United States

Day 8 – Sunken City

Sunken City Graffiti Art

We decided to go a bit further for day 8 (October 6, 2018) and visited the Sunken City in San Pedro. We always wanted to take a trip here but never found the time to until now. The Sunken City is the result of a natural landslide in 1929. The area consists of broken sidewalks and houses. Because of how dangerous this area is (there have been some deaths from falling), it is illegal and considered trespassing to visit here. Just something to be aware of if you do make the trip.

How to get there

If you put Sunken City Trail into your navigation (Google maps), it’ll route you directly there. We parked on a residential street but since there is a park nearby, you can probably park there too. There is a fence that closes off the whole area of The Sunken City. However, there are a few ways to get in – you can either jump over the fence, crawl through a hole under the fence, or walk around the perimeter to find an opening. When we went, we didn’t know about the third option and saw the hole under the fence first. We saw someone go through it so thought that was the only way. If you are wearing nice clothes, be careful because there is a lot of dirt everywhere. You will probably get dirty if you crawl through the hole.

Hole at Sunken City

Once you’re on the other side, you just need to walk a little bit and then you’ll be at The Sunken City cliff area.

The Sunken City

As you walk around the area, you’ll notice that almost every broken road, pipe, or floor is covered in graffiti art. Some platforms are steep and slippery, so make sure to wear the right shoes.

Sunken City

Sunken City Graffiti Art

Sunken City View

You can climb on some rocks to get higher and get a better view of the ocean or you can also climb down to get closer to the water. We saw someone swimming and trying to surf too.

After taking pictures and flying a drone (if you have one), you can just sit, relax and enjoy the view!

Drone Flying at Sunken City

Drone Flying at Sunken City


Drone Shot of Sunken City