Drone Footage Louisiana

New Orleans – Drone Footage

This video was shot during Mardi Gras weekend. We took a private tour with the Louisiana Swamp Tour Company. It was definitely worth the price point to have a private tour to fly my drone.

Song credits go to Said the Sky – Faded. We saw him perform for the first time during this weekend and was instantly drawn to his performance and music.

My song choices are usually related to what I binge listen to during the trip. I always have one favorite song at a time.

As always please watch in 4k quality

This was the very first time I flew the new Mavic Air (at the time). It was tricky with the new sensors. I usually fly manually without any quick shots so I didn’t get to utilize all the new features during this trip like the slow motion capture. I definitely have something in mind to try to utilize that feature. Hope it will be soon!